Complete and tailor-made solutions

Litigation & dispute assistance:

Building a solid and strategic argument  

Our argumentation and documentation aligns with the strategic objectives of our clients.

Rigorous assessment of damages

We implement an approach consistent with the principles provided by the Courts allowing our assessments of damages to be supported and defensible.

Clarity in financial complexity 

We bring clarity to the intricacies of financial concepts and valuation, enabling our clients to make informed decisions.

Our areas of expertise

Our areas of intervention

– Loss of earnings

– Loss of profitability

– Strategic analysis

– Counterfeiting

– Unfair competition

– Commercial parasitism

– Depreciation of brand value

– Anti-trust

– Analysis of various issues related to the estimation of damages and financial evaluation

– Evaluation of assets and liabilities involved in operations

– Tax administration dispute

– Securing transfer prices

– Successions



Our latest case studies:

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