Financial Assessment

Welcome to INCENT Valuation, a financial consulting firm specializing in for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

Our experience in evaluation, financial modeling and strategic analysis allows us to support our clients in making informed decisions and resolving their financial issues.

Our areas of intervention:

Since 2020, INCENT Valuation has supported more than 300 clients in the context of company or asset valuation missions, assistance with disputes and litigation or even financial due diligence.

With more than a hundred missions carried out each year, INCENT Valuation has a solid and dynamic team capable of supporting its clients in international contexts.

Our intervention contexts:

Discover some concrete examples of missions in which we have been involved.

Our intervention contexts:

Discover some concrete examples of missions in which we have been involved.

INCENT Valuation, between rigor and singularity

INCENT Valuation is an independent expert firm renowned for its rigor and uniqueness. We are committed to providing impartial and personalized financial advice, guaranteeing tailor-made solutions to all our clients in their financial issues.

Reliability of an independent, transparent and committed player with its customers providing
quality services, based on rigorous analysis and proven methodology. 

Tailor-made proposed solutions, unique and adapted to each situation, requires understanding the needs of our customers in order to present a personalized service.

Added value works, resulting from innovative approaches and a constant adaptation of our services to your needs.

Sharing of know-how and expertise, a guarantee of efficiency and performance for our customers is
essential to the development of our team.

The experience of a recognized and multidisciplinary team allowing to understand the issues
specific to each situation and to offer solutions adapted to the needs of our customers.

A team of multidisciplinary experts

Composed of 3 partners and a dozen multidisciplinary professionals, INCENT offers comprehensive financial advisory and litigation assistance services. We help companies overcome complex challenges and achieve their financial goals.

Anne Sophie HANIEZ
General Manager

Expert at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris. Anne-Sophie has more than 15 years of experience in financial assessment and litigation assistance.


Financial expert with the Paris Court of Appeal, approved by the Court of Cassation, Honorary President of the National Company of Legal Experts in Finance and President of UCECAP

Maxime Rannou

Neoma graduate with over 8 years of experience in financial valuation and transaction services.

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