Tailor-made solutions for all your valuation challenges

Financial assessment:

A renowned firm and signature 

Our firm is recognized for its expertise and professionalism in the field of financial valuation. Our founding partner is a legal expert at the Paris Court of Appeal approved by the Court of Cassation.

Financial databases and benchmarking tools

We use recognized professional databases such as Bloomberg or Capital IQ S&P (market data, listed companies), Epsilon Research (unlisted transactions), Xerfi (sector economic studies), Statista (statistical and economic database).

A tailored assessment approach

We identify the most relevant evaluation criteria, taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of the company to be evaluated and the specific context of the transaction (context of the transaction, analysis of the capital structure, etc.).

Our independence

We provide our clients with objective, reasoned and justified assessments.

A multi-criteria methodology

We systematically use multi-criteria approaches to ensure an assessment in line with market practices.

Our areas of intervention

– Start-ups, SMEs/ETIs and listed companies

– Intangible assets (brands, patents, goodwill, etc.) and financial assets

– Asset identification

– Sharing the value

– Test construction

– Accounting for adjustments

– Financial flow projections

– Sharing the value

– Probability scenario simulations

– Sensitivity analysis

– Valuation of profit-sharing plans

– Free stock plans


– Approaches to complex financial clauses

Our areas of expertise

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